united Methodist Women (UMW)

The United Methodist Women invite ALL women to participate in our mission activities. Pictured is the Pastor at Mount Zion, Rev. Jonathan Harris, and the women from Mount Zion, Central, and Bethel United Methodist Churches.

United Methodist Women

Men’s Club

The men of the church ordinarily meet on the first Sunday of each month at 8:30 a.m. for a Men’s Breakfast.  They are seen here taking donations of food to Clemson Community Care.

Ginger Allen Apple Dumplings
Ginger Allen Accepting the First Runner Up in the SWEET TOOTH AWARD at the Ministers’ Cook-Off for Safe Harbor

Beverly Smith Guild

While United Methodist Women “circles” focus exclusively on missions for women and children, this group, similar to the Men’s Club at Mt. Zion, participates in a variety of activities and missions as stewards of Christ in our church and community.  They use their culinary skills to help the pastor with the Ministers’ Cook-Off each year, clean the brass on the altar, and prepare the sanctuary for Advent.