Where We Are Located


♦ Satellite Map Address
310 Church Street
Central, SC 29630 




Parking is located on the left-hand side of the church building and wraps around to the back door which is the entrance to the kitchen and fellowship area. There are handicapped parks near the front of the church with an elevator/lift on the right hand side of the steps and there will be some new hancicapped spaces near the back door and the new handicapped ramp and entrance going into the fellowship area, which is currently under construction. 

There is a new functional and licensed elevator/lift situated in the hallway towards the nursery. It is accessible from the back door leading to the kitchen. Later in the year, it will also be accessible from the double doors in the main fellowship area downstairs. New handicapped spaces will be lined off near the new handicapped ramp and entrance.




Physical Address:
310 Church St

Central, SC 29630

